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The Impact of Propagation Trays on Tree Establishment
A new report from A.M.A. Horticulture and Vineland Research and Innovation Centre shows lasting impacts of propagation trays on root health and tree establishment.
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📢 New report from @vinelandrsrch and @amahort shows findings from 5-year field trial comparing impacts of commonly used propagation trays on tree establishment. See how trays performed and why root health matters long-term: #RootSmartforHealthyTrees
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🌿 What happens in propagation doesn't stay in propagation, says a new report from Vineland Research and Innovation Centre and @amahort. A trial comparing impacts of propagation trays found root defects occuring in propagation were persistent after five years in the field. The open-walled RootSmart™ tray produced consistent, quality roots compared to other trays. Choosing the right tray matters for long-term tree health. See the report: #RootSmartforHealthyTrees
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New report compares impact of propagation trays on tree establishment
What happens in propagation doesn't stay in propagation, according to The Impact of Propagation Trays on Tree Establishment, a report summarizing key findings from a five-year field trial comparing four propagation trays, conducted by Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, in partnership with A.M.A. Horticulture Inc. The trial found that root defects occurring in propagation were persistent and sustained after five years in the field, creating permanent defects that have been linked with mortality in urban trees, including root girdling. The RootSmart™ tray consistently produced high-quality root systems compared to the other trays, including better overall root quality and distribution, and a higher number of root-soil contact points. Learn more and read the report here.